The Building Back Better Canada Plan will create or maintain 6.3 million jobs

Graph: Building Back Better: Investments, Jobs, and GHG Reductions (2021-2030)

Corporate Knights Inc. today released a comprehensive report challenging the government and business to act boldly coming out of COVID-19 to Build Back Better by accelerating actions for a green recovery.

Co-authored by leading energy systems and public policy experts Ralph Torrie and Céline Bak, with Toby Heaps, CEO of Corporate Knights, with input from more than 100 of Canada’s most inspired minds, the report is a synthesis of seven white papers published from April to June. It presents compelling original evidence to support a $109 billion investment by the federal government over the next 10 years to trigger total investments of $790 billion, mostly from the private sector, setting Canada on a path to a resilient, net-zero economic recovery.

Read the full story here.